The list of manuscripts of the Sentences commentary of Conradus de Ebraco
Bordeaux, Bibl. Municipale, 159 (ante 1402) : Principium I, II+ livre I, II, III, IV
Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 1279 (1377) : Principium I, II, III, IV+livre I, II, III, IV
Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek 292 (1387?) : Principium I, II+livre I, II
Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek 293 (1387) : Principium III, IV+livre III, IV
Oxford, Bodleian, Canon. Misc. 573 (1384-5) : Principium I, II, III, IV+livre I, II, III, IV
Antonius de Carlenis, OP, Four Questions on the Subalternation of the Sciences, ed. Steven Livesey, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia 1994 (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 84.4), p. 55-57.
(olim) Warszawa, Staatsbibliothek Abt. II : Principium I, II, III, IV+livre I, II, III, IV
Chart. Lat. Fol. I. 390 (ante 1384) : Principium I, II, III, IV+livre I, II, III, IV
Paris, Bibl. nationale de France, lat. 3070 : Principium I, II, III+livre I, II, III, IV
Napoli, Bibl. Naz. Vitt. Eman. III, VII C 25 : Livre I, II, III, IV
Praha, Kapitulní knihovna, C 31 (1377) : livre II (frag.)+IV
Würzburg, Universität., M. ch. f. 139 (1663): Princ. I+ livre I (frag.)
Prologus : This is a transcription made by Cristian BAUMGARTEN
following the manuscript Würzburg, Universität., M. ch. f. 139 (1663)
Q. 3 Utrum viator ex libertate voluntatis sufficiat elicere, coassensum de veritate mere theologica?
Q. 5 Utrum solus Deus sit licite a viatore fruibilis.
Q. 6 Utrum omni et sola creatura licite sit utendum propter Deum?
Q. 7 Utrum Deum esse sit per se notum viatori, vel ex per se notis demonstrabile?